Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) protects your personal data while enabling organisations to use your data reasonably to serve you. At The s.k.MED Clinic, we respect and keep your data safe by: 1) limiting access to only doctors and healthcare personnel who are involved in your care, and the supporting internal processes, 2) conducting regular checks to ensure only authorised persons have accessed your data.

The data which may be collected include data you provide for registration purposes, including but not limited to name, nric no., date of birth, gender, past medical history, telephone numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses. Any other personal information provided by you or your next of kin may also be collected when you present yourself for consultation at our clinics. By voluntarily providing your personal data in order to obtain medical care, it will be deemed that you have consented to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of your personal data by us for the purposes directly related to the provision of medical care to you, which includes to laboratory, referrals to other healthcare professionals and institutions and other processes such as billing and internal administration. Whilst you may choose to withhold certain information, keep in mind that it may affect the medical care and services you would receive from us or other healthcare institutions.

For further clarification or information on our Data Protection Policy, please feel free to contact us.