Slimming & Fat Reduction

Procedures With No Or Miminal Downtime

Clatuu Alpha Fat Cryolipolysis

Clatuu Alpha Fat Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical body contouring and fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat pockets. Most suited for small, localised areas of fat, Clatuu Alpha uses 360° surround cooling applicators that come in various sizes to create a suction effect on the skin. As the temperature lowers to nearly 4°C, the fat cells crystallise and die. Over the course of the next few weeks, the body works to remove and dispose of the damaged fat cells in the targeted areas.

Stubborn fat bulges which include:

  • Abdomen
  • Flank (love handles)
  • Thigh
  • Double chin
  • Fat under the buttocks (banana roll)
  • Back fat
  • Bra line
  • Axilla

The procedure is best suited for individuals who are looking to lose stubborn fat at specific areas that cannot be addressed with exercise or diet. It is not a weight loss treatment.

The best candidates for the procedure include those who are:

  • In good health
  • Have “pinchable” fat
  • Have realistic expectation

A single treatment cycle results in 20% of fat cells removal. Optimal results can be observed 2-3 months post treatment after the elimination of the damaged fat cells. A single treatment may be sufficient, however, most will require 2-3 treatment cycles per area. Treatment cycles can be repeated at monthly intervals.

The skin will first be marked to guide the placement of the applicator. A gel pad will be placed over the area to be treated, the targeted area will then be drawn up between the cooling pads using vacuum suction. Once the suction is secure, the cooling process begins, each treatment cycle takes 60 minutes which ends with a massage of the treated area.
Fat cryolipolysis is a safe treatment, however, some unwanted side effects have been reported including redness, numbness, tenderness, tingling, bruising, cramping and temporary whitening of skin. These temporary side effects usually resolve within a week. In rare cases, there may be instances of freeze burn, vasovagal symptoms, late onset pain, hyperpigmentation and paradoxical enlargement of the treatment area.
As Clatuu Alpha does not have any effect on skin laxity, it is best combined with V Form to stimulate collagen production and tighten sagging skin.

Viora V Form

V Form delivers a safe and effective treatment for body and facial contouring, cellulite reduction and tightening of sagging skin following weight loss or pregnancy. V Form utilises CORE™ technology, a combination of multipolar radiofrequency energy and vacuum therapy. The vacuum suction increases blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage while facilitating deeper penetration of the radiofrequency energy. The radiofrequency energy in turn, shrinks fat cells and heats the underlying network of collagen and elastin fibers, thereby, increasing skin elasticity. V Form can be applied to both the face and body including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back, arms and inner thighs.

  • Circumferential reduction of abdomen, thighs and arms
  • Reduction of sagging skin following pregnancy or weight loss
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Body contouring
  • Facial firming
  • For body contouring, up to 10 sessions, once every 2 weeks. For maintenance, once every 3 months.
  • For face and body skin tightening, up to 8 sessions, once every 2 weeks. For maintenance, once every 3 months.

V Form body can be combined with Clatuu Alpha Cryolipolysis. V Form face can be combined with PCR light or laser toning to boost overall rejuvenation.